Thursday, January 7, 2010

Small Dog Bowls How Often Should I Feed My Dog?

How often should I feed my dog? - small dog bowls

My vet told me to feed him, all of 12 hours, just because he is sick now ...
Now put two tablespoons of wet dog food in particular, your digestive aid) (with a half cup of food for small dogs to their regular dry dog food mixed. (Purina Dog Chow)
There is a Dachshund and he is about 7 years in the human year.
If it works better with how often and how can I eat?


doxie said...

I do not know what is wrong with her dachshund, but I think it deserves a better diet, Purina. My dachshund is allergic to all grains. Purina is full of corn. It's the # 1 Dogs are not allergic to improve to.He what you eat. I recommend Solid Gold Barking at the moon. Do not miss out. This is the bag in turquoise metallic. I Do not feed my dogs twice a day. It is better for digestion. Good luck with your dachshund, not just the best dog of all time?

Launi If you SAY it, OWN it! said...

Twice a day is enough. Just be sure not to overfeed. Make sure to feed as much food. Dachshunds are prone to obesity, and if you eat all the time, most of them continue to eat even when we are full. So, go light on the trade and very little food.

Good luck and your dog feel better. Less than a year?

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